UniGePASS Password Reset
The service is available to students and staff of the University
of Genoa that have provided their own mobile number
or communicated an e-mail address with a private address.
What does SSO mean?
What does SSO mean?
The main web services of the University of Genoa use a Single Sign-On (SSO) mechanism, which allows you to authenticate only once with your UniGePASS credentials to activate a session valid for several hours that allows you to enter the services without further requests of password.
At the end of the work session, it is advisable to exit or close the browser.
What username should I use?
To access, you can use your UniGePASS username or your e-mail address (@unige.it for staff and @studenti.unige.it for students).
My contact details have changed
If your contact details (e-mail or mobile phone) are
invalid or non-existent you have to send an email at assistenza@unige.it specifying
- name
- surname
- student ID number (if known)
- why you ask for the
- Italian mobile number or personal e-mail for
receiving the credentials
and attach a copy of an identity document.
Other questions?
Our service desk is the single point of contact for IT related questions.